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Showing posts from October, 2017

Why you Should Opt for Co-Owned Properties?

With the searing rise in property prices, buying an apartment unit or house by a middle-class individual by himself/herself is almost impossible. It is a huge financial burden to bear by a single individual and thus the sector in general is evolving to other trends. One of those trends is the idea of having joint or co-ownership of a property. Instead of the conservative approach of owning properties individually, people are okay with considering joint ownership deals. Co-ownership has a lot of upsides and downsides that need to be discussed. The purpose is to leave nothing behind and help a reader to absorb a brief knowledge about the same. Experts advise that co-ownership has a lot of benefits if the owners are all equally responsible and financially able to come into a mutual agreement. Eligibility to co-own a property: By the country’s laws, the eligibility is quite simple to understand. Anyone can be a co-owner of a property like parents, siblings, children and spouse ar...

How is Pallikarani Changing Into a Gem in Terms of Realty Development?

Located in southern part of the Chennai city, Pallikarani has been at the radar of real estate developers and prospective home buyers. With the average price at INR 4,900 per square feet; the price range fluctuates depending on the exact location, quality of construction, reputation of the developer and many other factors.  And apart from these factors, with the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) under action, unstructured sellers are soon to be eradicated from the market for the betterment of buyers and developers alike. Why is Pallikaranai under the radar for development? Pallikaranai is in geographical proximity to prominent IT hubs in the Old Mahabalipuram Road. The corridor accommodates more than 70,000 IT/ITes workforce along with many other college going youngsters. Rental property is always on demand and reasonable rental rates aid working professionals and other youngsters living around the location. Infrastructural development in Pallikaranai: Ther...