With the searing rise in property prices, buying an apartment unit or house by a middle-class individual by himself/herself is almost impossible. It is a huge financial burden to bear by a single individual and thus the sector in general is evolving to other trends. One of those trends is the idea of having joint or co-ownership of a property. Instead of the conservative approach of owning properties individually, people are okay with considering joint ownership deals. Co-ownership has a lot of upsides and downsides that need to be discussed. The purpose is to leave nothing behind and help a reader to absorb a brief knowledge about the same. Experts advise that co-ownership has a lot of benefits if the owners are all equally responsible and financially able to come into a mutual agreement. Eligibility to co-own a property: By the country’s laws, the eligibility is quite simple to understand. Anyone can be a co-owner of a property like parents, siblings, children and spouse ar...